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Enrollment Time--How should I pick my classes?

Stages of Career Development


When I was in school, NO ONE helped me figure out my future. I was lucky enough to stumble into a career that fits me. And I emphasize stumble--there were missteps, wasted time and money, all mixed in with a fair share of heartache and confusion. Fortunately, that way is a thing of the past in LSR7. The Career Education Department and Counseling have collaborated to create a comprehensive plan to help guide you! 

Where do I start? Self Awareness and Career Awareness

Learn about yourself! You will have tools at your disposal that will help you discover and talk about your strengths. There are AI interest and aptitude assessments that will take your results and connect you with career paths  you should consider!

Once I have career path matches, what should I do? Career Exploration

Start trying things out! You may enjoy watching Grey’s Anatomy, but does that mean you should be a doctor? Maybe…but I would explore a few things first. Take a biology class, volunteer at a hospital, or participate in a summer camp. You might discover one of the 80+ Allied Health careers is a better fit. Have your sights set on being a welder? That sounds like a great plan--but perhaps working in HVAC or sheet metal is something you would also be good at, too! Keep your options open. Every career path has opportunities to explore so you can see what fits you best. 

I’ve figured out my career lane, now what? Career Preparation and Career Training

LSR7 has tons of capstone experiences that will help you prepare or train for your future career. Each of our high schools has amazing classes and opportunities to propel you to your future: IB and Project Lead the Way courses, Modern Languages, Industrial Technology, and Theater to name a few! In addition, several off-campus programs such as STA, Herndon Career Center, and Cass Career Center specialize in a variety of paths. The best thing is that once you find your passion, the work you do will feel more like a challenge and be more meaningful.  

What happens after I graduate? 

Keep learning! All careers will require you to learn more and gain experience so you can be better at what you do. You might go to college, but you might join an apprenticeship program, or you will earn a certification and start working immediately. There are lots of options and career lessons in middle school and high school along with guidance from your school counselor will help you figure out what is best for you!

So as you sign up for classes next year, figure out where you are in your career development. Do you need to try out a variety of courses to help you explore what you like? Are you ready for the next step and need to take courses that get you more involved? Or are you ready to sign up for one of those capstone experiences that will start you out on a journey to your future career? Do what makes sense for you and make sure to have some fun along the way! There are friends to be made in your classes, clubs, activities, and sports!